
Sunday, October 29, 2017

On doing what you love

Throughout the whole wedding process, there was only one thing on my mind that I wanted to do. I wanted to bake. I wanted to make something with my hands, create something edible, make the whole apartment smell like baked goods.

There was never enough time. Or there wasn’t enough energy left after all the planning. Or I just couldn't be bothered. I didn’t know how much I loved it until I wasn’t able to do it; until I suddenly didn't have a bunch of free time on my hands to do whatever I liked (mostly unproductive TV viewing).

I missed that feeling of being calm and working through a recipe. Slowly measuring out the ingredients, mixing them together, the sensation of soft flour between my fingertips, inadvertently burning myself on the side of the oven. The whole process is appealing. Except maybe, doing the dishes.

All through the honeymoon there were just lists of things that I wanted to put into the oven, but this whole lemon tart is the one that stuck out the most. I’m in a bit of a tart phase and came across it whilst searching for a pastry recipe. It uses just one lemon so you really can’t go wrong. We came back on Saturday night and we were busy running around doing errands on the Sunday after we got back. So on a Monday night, I came home from work and began to bake. It was the best feeling ever.


·       The great unshrinkable piecrust still does shrink on me. I think it’s because I overwork the dough in the food processor. I may need to be a bit gentler with it. Or let it rest longer. Or let the sides hang over the edge a bit to allow for shrinking.

·       The temperature for the tart pastry was quite high, I’ll bring it back to 160 degrees Celsius in my next go.

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