
Monday, February 8, 2016

A Fresh Start

This moment, right now, is impossibly precious. So much changes everyday. We grow, we learn, we develop into different beings from moment to moment. I look back at my life a year ago and I can't even comprehend how much change I've gone through, how different my life looks like right now. I've moved out, finished a graduate program and have just recently landed a new job. It's been an exciting and gruelling year, the best part was being able to meet amazing people to share that journey with me.

Sometime during the last part of the year, something clicked. An invisible switch of some sort. I'd thought about the topic a little bit, but to be honest what really convinced me was spending about a day watching youtube videos and doing online research about the topic. I learnt about how at peace and happy other Australians were after they had made the change. Controversial characters like Freelee and Essena O'Neill spurred me on. Seeing the possibilities and potential creativity I could use in the kitchen peaked my curiosity. It made so much sense in my head, and what was once a topic I simply brushed aside, became something that consumed me. Or rather, something that I consumed.

The start of this year I decided to transition to being vegan. I had played around a little last year, having vegan breakfast and lunches, but this January I decided to commit. There are so many reasons why, and to be honest I'm still trying to figure it out. All I know for sure is that is just feels right. After a full month I feel amazing. There are of course, some obstacles, but I do believe that "Nothing in this world worth having, comes easy." One of my biggest worries was that I might have to give up baking, or that my desserts might become sub-par. This cookie quieted all my fears. I truly believe that it is better than any choc-chip cookie I have ever made before, seriously. So get ready friends, because there will be many more sweet treats to come.

Yours Sincerely,


Recipe Notes:

This is a recipe that I found online. It is made by a duo of women who own Ovenly, a bakery in New York. The best part is, it is accidentally vegan. They were just setting out to make an impossibly delicious cookie and it just happens to be vegan. It is chewy, crunchy on the sides and very hard to stop at just one. Read the notes closely on the recipe (Refrigerate for at least 12 hours, do not over bake) and it will bet very hard to go wrong. Using a large ice cream scoop with scraper makes the job a whole lost easier. I find them even easier to make than cookies with butter and eggs involved. Remember to use chocolate without dairy (check the ingredients, most dark chocolate is fine) to make them vegan.

You can find the recipe here.


  1. What a huge decision - congratulations on taking this big step and I hope it all goes well and has the wonderful outcomes for you that you've read about... Looking forward to reading along with your journey and seeing how it pans out :) xo

    1. Thank you for your very kind comment Jess. I believe you may have left a similar one last year. I appreciate your support and am determined to make more of an effort this year! Xoxo thanks again!!
