
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Seasonal Pinboard DIY

As I mentioned in the last post, A was looking at my memory board and he decided it need an update into the present. I had to agree. I'm one of those people who hold on to lots of bits and pieces with the idea that they are all important and each and every piece has a happy memory associated with it.

My memory pin board had a lot of random crap on it from a very specific time in my life from about Grade 6 to Year 12. I finished university nearly 2 years ago so it was definitely time for an update into the present. To take down the board, there was 1 bag for rubbish, 1 bag for recycling and 1 box to keep the pieces that had strong associations (of course, it wasn't possible to let go of everything). After each thing was taken off, I spent one (and only one) second to decide to keep it or throw it. If a fond association wasn't made within that one second, it went into the bin.

Here are a few things that were growing dusty on the board:

  • Postcards from friends with teeny tiny neat writing, squeezing in as much as possible
  • A letter I wrote from Year 9 to myself with comparisons between my life and cake (classic)
  • Written promise from T to be my best friend forever
  • Tickets to concerts and shows
  • Souvenir bag form Venice (Pretty sure I've never been to Venice)
  • A recipe for baked caramel from my godmother
  • Good Luck note from J
  • Shopping tags, a leaf and old party invitations
I've replaced it with a smaller cork board which I intend to change with the colours of with the seasons. I love the idea of refreshing everything each season and doing things to make me happy and suit the weather outside. The cork board is from Kmart ($10 for a pack of 4) and then used blue paper and a striped lolly bag that was lying around to give it a winter feel. Cork boards are super easy to decorate. I had first intended to staple on the paper but after running around trying to find a stapler for a little bit, sticky tape was the next best option. A bit of washi tape neatens up all the edges.

Thanks so much for reading,



  1. Looks like someone is growing up....

  2. Nice blog glad to see this. Good idea to pin memorable photos on boards. Tank you for sharing this.
    pinboard officeworks
