
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sunday Morning Scones

Evidently, discipline is not one of my strong points.

The other day I resolved to go to bed at exactly 10:30 on all weeknights. 

The following day, I was given a copy of The Hunger Games by Alex and ended up staying up till half past twelve at night to finish it.

I have also recently resolved (my life is full of random resolutions) to make "To Do" lists each night. This invariably happens the next day over breakfast instead.

Don't even ask about the resolution to start exercising on a regular basis again.

Maybe I should resolve to follow through with some more of my resolutions.

One thing which I have noticed though, is that everyday things keep reminding me about this ill treated blog.

A request to make a birthday cake, followed by a request to make 80 birthday cupcakes.

Late night urges to bake a batch of cookies.

The smell of sweet and spicy hot cross buns wafting out of a bakery.

Hot, gooey Nutella spread thickly over a home made crepe and folded over to perfection.

There really is nothing like that experience you get when you bite into something made with care and joy.

So I apologise to you for not updating more regularly, and I (with much trepidation) resolve to commit more of my time (because there really is so much of it despite what people say) to, let's say, making more of an effort to post pretty pictures and spread whimsical thoughts (because most, if not all, of my thoughts are pretty whimsical).

One thing I am good at is making scones.

Let me reiterate.

One thing I am good at is making scones, when I remember to use self raising flour. (Sorry Trang and Tony, I still owe you scones!!) 

(I really am liking this brackets thing today)

No resolutions, no guilt, no falling asleep in lectures, just strawberry jam, freshly whipped cream and a freshly baked scone. What could be better?

Basic Scones
Adapted from Bake by The Australian Women's Weekly

4 cups (600g) self raising flour
2 tablespoons icing sugar
60g butter, chopped into small chunky pieces
1 and a half cups (375ml) of milk and extra for brushing onto scones.
Three quarters of a cup (180ml) of water

Preheat oven to 220 degrees celsius/200 degrees celsius fan-forced.

Sift self raising flour and icing sugar in a big bowl. Rub in butter with your fingertips so that the heat from your palms does not melt the butter.

Make a well in the middle of the flour mixture and pour in all of the milk and about half of the water. Use a butter knife to mix it all together to form a soft and sticky dough. If the dough is too dry, add some more of the water, if it is too wet, add some more flour.

Turn out the ball of dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth.

Press the dough into a flat shape about 2cm in thickness. Dip a small, round cutter in flour and use it to cut shapes out of the dough. Repeat until all remaining dough is used up.

Place scones on a baking tray lined with baking paper and brush the tops with a little bit of milk.

Bake for about 15 minutes or until golden brown and hollow sounding when tapped on the top.

Serve with cream and jam for optimum pleasure.

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