
Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Sometimes the worst things are totally and completely unexpected, but sometimes the best things are as well. Like perfectly sunny days in the middle of a cold, wet winter. I go on my normal walk to work, basking in the sunshine and the warmth of the sun that has been missed so much, only to discover laughing and joking at work rather than the usual stressed out frowns that usually accompany the lunch time rush hour. The mood is light, friendly and relaxed, there will be no space for heavy criticism or frantic cries of "Where's my cheeseburger?!?!"

If only all days could be like this. But in the cold reality of winter there never seems to be a day completely free from the criticisms and disapproving frowns of difficult customers and respected tutors alike. Even though things may seem a bit of a struggle at the moment, like trying to peel the blanket tightly snuggled around me every morning, every cold morning is one morning closer to spring and that makes me happy.

This cake has all the pink hues of a sunrise, all the hope of a new day, and all the taste of beetroot. The cake is moist and light, and the alluring power of a cake made with beetroot in it is too intriguing to be passed up. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day, but tonight I have a large slice of cake to cheer me up and things are looking brighter already.

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